Shaolin seniors refresh their First Aid qualifications

Shaolin Kickboxing instructors and assistant instructors attended a full-day Martial Arts First Aid Level 3 classroom training course at Kings Langley today. They learned the latest thinking on how to address a range of possible in-class and outside First Aid situations, including concussion, cardiac arrest, shock, bleeding and fractures, as well as the more common sprains and abrasions. Of course, prevention is better than cure and due to the Club’s thorough preventative measures, the need for First Aid has thankfully been extremely rare.

Be assured therefore that when you take part in Shaolin activities, at whichever class, you are doing so under the guidance of instructors who have been trained to take your health & safety as their number one priority.

In the above photo: Back Row, L to R. David Winston, Ian Coward, Neil Shipley, Gerry Abram, Jay Vaghela & David Rosenfeld. Front Row, L to R. Ben Forman, Miriam Hdidi, Molly Lawrence, Nathan Gardner & Meghan Gordon. Missing from the photo is Chief Instructor, Kingsley Morgan who received First Aid accreditation recently from the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBC).

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