
Read the guidance and disclaimer below, then complete the application form and pay for your membership.


Class training fee:

The training fee is £10.00 for each session (session duration will vary by class).


As with other martial arts organisations a uniform is essential. Ours is designed for maximum comfort and breathability and manufactured especially for us using exacting standards. It consists of a Shaolin t-shirt,  shorts and belt. 

Uniforms and any other gear can be purchased from our shop or through your instructor.

Renewal & club rules:

Members are responsible for maintaining an up-to-date membership and renewing in good time. Once you become a member and have an online account, you will be able to view the club rules.


All new students can train at our classes for two sessions before deciding whether to become a Shaolin Kickboxing member.

Advice for new students:

For most people the first few training sessions can be daunting and somewhat confusing. Be assured that in time and with regular training you will grasp the movements and gain a sense of achievement in seeing your techniques improve. Remember, it is your duty to abide by the Club’s rules, as specified on the website, or face having your membership withdrawn.




Annual Fee


Upon payment and approval, a membership record is created on the Shaolin database. This can be accessed by members via their unique log-in to the website. A reminder email will be sent before annual membership renewal. It is the responsibility of members to ensure membership is valid in order to continue to train and be eligible for gradings.
Uniform (embroidered shorts, dye sublimated t-shirt & white belt)





DISCLAIMER (by completing the form below you agree)

  • I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
  • I agree not to post any information/images about Shaolin Kickboxing or its teachings on the internet, in whatever form, without the express permission of the Chief Instructor, Mr Kingsley Morgan.
  • I agree to abide by the teaching and regulations (Club rules), of Shaolin Kickboxing, as specified on the members’ pages of the Club’s website.
  • I am both physically and mentally fit to participate in Shaolin Kickboxing. It is my responsibility to advise the Club of any changes to my health that may impact my ability to participate.
  • I accept that membership fees are non-refundable.
  • I train at my own risk. Neither Shaolin Kickboxing nor its instructors can be held liable for personal injury/death or loss/damage to any property.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to take out any insurance cover as appropriate.
  • All photos and video taken in class or of students while representing Shaolin Kickboxing shall be the copyright of the Club, for use and display as it sees fit.

Membership Registration

Select Your Payment Cycle
Membership Application
    Strength: Very Weak
    Select Your Payment Gateway
    How you want to pay?
    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected plan : , Plan Amount :
    Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount:
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