Frequently Asked questions
Q. What are your prices?
A. £10 per training session attended, PLUS an annual membership fee of £55 payable at the third class attended – find out more and/or apply for membership here.
Q. Do you have separate children/adult classes?
A. We have one class dedicated to 8-14 year-olds. At all other classes we all train together.
Q. What is the minimum age to train?
A. 8+, but it depends on the individual and the class instructor. Bear in mind that some of our classes don’t finish until late and we expect everyone to stay until the end.
Q. Do I need to enrol ahead of turning up to train?
A. No. Just show up, train and pay the class fee of £10.
Q. What should I wear in class?
A. In due course, after you have become a member, you will need our Shaolin uniform. In the interim, wear loose trousers/shorts (e.g. sweat pants or track suit bottoms) and a t-shirt – all ideally black. There is no need for footwear in class as students will train barefoot.
Q. What do I need to bring to class?
A. Initially, just your kit to train in, a bottle of water for the drink breaks as specified by the class instructor and (if you are prone to sweat a lot) a small towel. In due course, boxing gloves, and other protective equipment will be required, but this shouldn’t be a worry initially.
Q. Do I need to make any long term financial commitment?
A. No. You pay per class attended PLUS an annual membership fee of £55 which entitles you to train at any of our classes.
Q. Do you have specific beginners’ classes? Do you have different classes for different grades/abilities?
A. No. All our classes accommodate all grades. The class instructor may split the class or divide it into different grade groups for periods of time to aid with the instruction and enable particular attention to be focussed.
Q. When is the membership fee due?
A. At your second class you have to decide whether to be a member or not. Non-members will not be allowed to train a third time.
Q. How do I pay for membership?
A. You can complete our online membership form and submit payment.
Q. How do I know my membership has been accepted or renewed?
A. You’ll receive an email from the club.
Q. How do I renew my membership?
A. It is the members’ responsibility to renew their membership in good time. Remember, non-members may be barred from training. You’ll receive a reminder by email. Simply complete the renewal online.
Any other questions? Just email us and we’ll get right back to you
The central Chinese characters on the Shaolin Kickboxing badge depict the word “Panther” – the defining signature of Shaolin Kickboxing and symbolic of the founder, Mr. Kingsley Morgan. The image below depicts the panther in a struggle with a cobra and is to be found on our uniforms and clothing.