Grading Results – Sunday, 2 June 2024 – The Nap, Kings Langley

Congratulations to the following students who passed at the grading.

New 7th Grade (White)

Chris Fiorillo
Bradley Williams
Ismail Zamel
Jack Leyden (Merit)

New 6th Grade (Blue)

Maddy MacDonnell
Max Swendell
Omid Salimian
Paul Swendell
Tariq – Stephen Francis – Coward
Tim Shek

New 5th Grade (Blue)
Megan Gordon
Thomas George

New 4th Grade (Red)
Eriberto Farinella

New 2nd Grade (Brown)
Nathan Gardner (Merit)

New 1st Grade (Brown / Black Stripe)
Tia Patterson

Kingsley Morgan, Chief Instructor & Chief Examiner
Ian Coward, 2nd Degree Black belt 

Health & Safety Officer:
Ben Forman, 1st Degree Black Belt

Supported by:
Gerry Abram 3rd Degree Black Belt
Molly Lawrence 1st Degree Black Belt
Miriam Hdidi, 2nd Grade (Brown)

 Certification will be presented at your next class.

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