Congratulations to the following students who passed at the grading.
New 7th Grade (White)
Juan Tarrio
Maddy Macdonnell
Mia Schlagman
Omid Salimian
New 6th Grade (Blue)
Arin Sharma
Leah Sharma
Owen Gardner
Owen Regan
Sophia Sharma
New 5th Grade (Blue)
Anil Sharma **
Krzysztof Wroblewski – (Borderline Pass)
New 4th Grade (Red)
Aaryn Sunnassee
Nathan Gardner
New 3rd Grade (Red)
Miriam Hdidi **
Sakyi Acquaah **
New 1st Degree (Black Belt)
Rohan Sunnassee – 63%
Benjamin Forman – 61.5%
** Due to the accuracy of their techniques and the technical ability they demonstrated in their forms and (where relevant) their sparring, these students have been awarded a double promotion.
Kingsley Morgan, Chief Instructor & Chief Examiner
Gerry Abram, 3rd Degree Black belt
Antony Thomas, 2nd Degree Black belt
Certification will be presented at your next class.
Supported by:
1st Degree black belts & instructors:
Achen Sunnassee
David Rosenfeld
David Winston
Jayesh Vaghela
Molly Lawrence
Neil Shipley